Basil Tea


  • 1 cup (0.24 l) basil leaves 
  • 4 cups (0.95 l) milk
  • 2 tsp tea sacks or tea leaves
  • Sugar according to taste
  • 1 cup (0.24 l) water

Instructions to make Basil Tea:

  • Blend the water, milk, and basil leaves.
  • Keep on high warmth and mix until bubbled.
  • Presently permit it to mix for 4-5 minutes on low fire.
  • Include tea leaves and sugar according to your prerequisite.
  • Bring to hardly any bubbles and strain into cups.
  • Appreciate the solid basil tea.


  • The another technique to make basil tea is, you can blend every single other fixing initially except for the milk and afterward after stressing into the serving cups you may include milk according to your prerequisite.
  • Attempt to get the new basil leaves to make a generally tasty and solid basil tea.

At last, we see this video to know more about this recipe: