Orange Juice


  • 4 Fresh Oranges
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (discretionary)


  • Strip the oranges, separate its cuts and expel the seeds.
  • Put the orange cuts in a blender, and on the off chance that oranges are not sweet, at that point include some sugar alongside cuts.
  • Include little water and mix until smooth.
  • Strain the blend, crushing it pleasantly and dispose of the silt in the wake of pressing.
  • On the off chance that you need you can include 1 cup (0.24 l) of water and keep in fridge for barely any hours to serve chilled.
  • Notes:
  • You can add ice 3D squares to this and can serve right away.
  • All things considered, include minimal less water.


  • Nectar can be included rather than sugar.
  • You can include plain soft drink/carbonated water rather than plain water.
  • Another method of making this new squeeze is daintily smack every orange on the counter.
  • Cut down the middle.
  • Press into the serving glass.
  • You may likewise utilize a citrus reamer to do this.
  • On the off chance that you need a less mash, utilize a hand juicer with a sifter.
  • Blend plain or carbonated water alongside ice solid shapes and serve.

At last, we see this video to know more about this recipe: