Egg korma


  • Sesame seeds 1 tbs
  • Poppy seeds 1 tbs
  • Tomato blocks 2 medium
  • Cooking oil 4 tbs or as required
  • Onion cut 1 medium
  • Water 1-2 tbs
  • Potatoes stripped and 3D shapes 2-3 medium
  • Eggs bubbled 6
  • Sound leaves 2
  • Cumin seeds 1 tsp
  • Cloves 3-4
  • Green cardamom 3
  • Green chilies 2-3
  • Ginger garlic glue 1 tbs
  • Red stew powder 1 tsp or to taste
  • Coriander powder 1 and ½ tbs
  • Salt 1 tsp or to taste
  • Water 1 Cup or as required
  • Garam masala powder ½ tsp
  • Mint leaves slashed


  • In browning pan, add sesame seeds, poppy seed and dish until fragrant and put in a safe spot.
  • In a similar singing pan, add tomatoes and dish for 2-3 minutes and put in a safe spot.
  • In pot, add cooking oil, onion and fry until brilliant earthy colored and put in a safe spot.
  • In grinder, add singed onion, roasted tomatoes, roasted sesame and poppy seeds and pound well.
  • Add water and pound to make a glue and put in a safe spot.
  • In the equivalent pot, heat cooking oil, add potatoes and fry until light brilliant.
  • Include eggs, fry until light brilliant and take out for some time in the future.
  • Include inlet leaves, cumin seeds, cloves,green cardamom, green chilies and blend well.
  • Include ginger garlic paste, mix well and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Presently include crushed paste, mix well and cook for 4-5 minutes.
  • Include red stew powder, coriander powder and salt, mix well and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Include water and blend well.
  • Include garam masala powder and blend.
  • Spread and cook on low fire for 2-3 minutes.
  • Presently include bubbled and seared eggs and blend delicately.
  • Sprinkle mint leaves and serve.

At last, we see this video to know more about this recipe: