Oreo Milkshake


Oreo Milkshake:

  • 4 ice shapes
  • 2 scoop frozen yogurt (Any flavor frozen yogurt)
  • Cold milk — 1 CUP
  • Sugar — 1 tbsp
  • 6 pieces Oreo treats
  • Solidified yogurt 2 scoops
  • To make Oreo panache, heat cream in a pot, when it starts stewing (don't let bubble) remember it for a bowl of Oreo treats and leave for 3-4 minutes. Blend until smooth.
  • To make Oreo shake, in a blender incorporate milk, cocoa powder, Oreo panache and solidified yogurt and curve until all merged.
  • Embellish glass with Oreo panache, pour Oreo shake, incorporate whipping cream, sprinkle Oreo shavings and serve.

At last, we see this video to know more about this recipe: