Tamarind Pickle 


  • Tamarind-100 grams
  • Dried red chilies – 200 grams (Byadagi assortment)
  • Jaggery – 250 grams
  • Salt – 8 to 10 Teaspoons
  • Water – 3 to 4 cups (0.95 l)
  • Fenugreek seeds – 1 Tea spoon
  • Cumin – 2 Tea spoons
  • Gingerly Oil – 1 to 2 table spoons
  • Mustard – 1 tea spoon
  • Garlic – 5 to 6 cloves (squashed)
  • Curry Leaves – 1 spring


  • Drench tamarind, and ground jaggery in water quite for a while.
  • At the point, when it turns out to be delicate, pleasantly press out and strainer the fluid.
  • Dispose of all the roughage and strands.
  • Dry dish Fenugreek and cumin. Broil red chilies by putting next to no oil.
  • Powder all the cooked things by utilizing dry blender container.
  • Presently keep one thick bottomed vessel on the gas oven, put oil and go preparing.
  • At the point, when oil is hot, splutter mustard seeds, at that point include squashed garlic, and curry leaves.
  • Pour tamarind and jaggery concentrate, salt, ground masala powder and bubble.
  • In the wake of bubbling it quite for a while, upper layer of the blend will look shiny and it is sign for its oneness.
  • Switch off the gas, cool this blend totally and store it in dry glass containers, and keep outside for two days to set, and a short time later keep it in the refrigerator.
  • It will keep awake to one year on the off chance that you stored it in the cooler.

At last, we see this video to know more about this recipe: